CHEM 425


Course No.

Course Title

No. of Units






Chem 425

Organo-metallic Chemistry




Chem 322


Course objective :

A course intended to give an overall view of organometallic compounds, their syntheses, structure, bonding, and major uses in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis .

Course Description

CO molecule, unsaturated carbon chains and rings and the formation of metal-carbon bonds, IUPAC nomenclature, the concept of back-bonding, electro neutrality and the 18-e- rule, s-bonded complexes  (carbonyls, alkyls, hydrides etc...), p-bonded complexes (ferrocines, alkenes, alkynes, allyles, etc...), stereochemistry and simple MO-bonding, syntheses and reactions of organo-metallic compounds, characterization by i.r., 1H nmr and 13C nmr., metal nitrosyls and dinitrogen complexes, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, applications in organic syntheses .

Main text books :

§  Organometallic Chemistry, G. O. Spessard, G. L. Missler, 1996, Prentice-Hall .


Subsidiary books :

§  The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, R. H. Crabtree, 3rd ed., 2000, John  Wiley & Sons.


Last Update
10/15/2009 10:17:25 PM