Course No.
Course Title
No. of Units
Analysis of Industrial Products
Chem.312, Chem 313
Course objective :
The course deals with the chemical analysis of organic and inorganic industrial products such as food, water, medicines and perfumes.
Course Description:
The course provides background on: (1) Integration of aspects of analytical chemistry (2) Explanation of how classical and modern instrumental methods of analysis can be used to solve problems of industrial importance (3) Understanding the nature of matrix before attempting the analysis of analyte(s) of interest within this matrix, (4) To be aware of the possibilities of problems associated with the analysis of industrial samples, (5) minimization/elimination of errors in analysis.
Main text books:
§ Analytical Methods for Food Additives, R. wood, L.Foster, A.Damant and P. Key, 2004, CRC Press.
§ Analysis, Fate and Removal of Pharmaceuticals in the Water Cycle, M.Petrovic and d.Barcelo, 2007, Elsevier.
Subsidiary book :
§ Food Toxicant Analysis: Techniques, Strategies and Developments, Y. Pico, 1st ed. 2007, Elsevier.